Department of Management Information Systems

Department of Management Information Systems


Dr. Hani Ewydat- The Head of Department of Management Information Systems

The Department of Management Information Systems is one of the main departments in the university due to its distinguished program in its courses and its role in honing the practical skills of students in the development and management of computer and administrative programs as well as training personnel.



Graduation of a qualified cadre with the experience and high competence in developing and operating the software, training the personnel to benefit from it and providing the necessary information for management in the decision-making process.



Raising the efficiency, readiness and professionalism of graduated students in all fields in order to provide their services to the citizens to the fullest, and provide them with the necessary skills to develop and maintain administrative information systems and train personnel.



The Department of Management Information Systems seeks to achieve the following objectives:

• Enabling the graduates to deal with the software developed in the machine to which they are attributed after graduation.

• Providing the graduates with cognitive abilities that enable them to develop computer programs according to the institution’s need which they are attributed.

• Provide graduate training skills for individuals on software developed or to be developed in the workplace.

• The Graduated are trained on computer software analysis and design skills .

• The graduates are able to assess the requirements and needs of software development in the workplace.

• The graduates are able to deal with financial, administrative, economic and accounting programs at his place of work.